For Sale: Heifer painting

It’s that time of year where we all need gifts for each other, right?

So for a couple years I’ve really wanted to try to gather up the funds to help send a girl to school. This fall when Malala Yousufzai was shot by the Taliban for asserting her right to an education, my desire to assist increased again.

I got the idea for this side project I’ve been working on.
Heifer International has a “Send a Girl to School” package that I’d like to try to purchase with the proceeds from these paintings. Each painting is an original watercolor of an animal in the Heifer International program. They are 5×7 inches. If I can’t make enough/sell enough for the school package, I’m hoping I can at least get a family some chickens or something.

So here’s the first painting on offer. It’s a heifer. 5×7. Suggested donation of $15. If I need to mail it to you, there’s an additional $5 shipping and handling cost. If you live close by, I’ll walk it over.


I’ll be posting one or two more animals each night this week.

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