Tag Archives: Audiobook

Thank You Library: Aladdin and The Enchanted Lamp

I’m starting a new series on this blog which I’m calling “Thank You Library.” It will catalog the gems we discover on the shelves of our local library.

This past weekend I picked up a few audiobooks in preparation for our trip down to skyline drive. The standout favorite was Aladdin and The Enchanted Lamp retold by Philip Pullman and narrated by James Goode. The retelling keeps all the original’s fantastic splendor and gains the clarity of Pullman’s excellent writing. The genies’ voices, there are two genies in this version, were potently intimidating and a little scary for R. Since we were listening all together in daylight, he did okay.

As I said, we found our copy at the library but you can listen to a sample here.

Aaron was driving so I got the chance to make this drawing. In the car. While refereeing the back seat.
